November 15, 2019

Tear Gas

In November of 2019, there were numerous demonstrations held in Mongkok. Protesters occupy the streets and stage a surprise protest on November 15th. When the police arrive, they use tear gas to disperse the crowd. The streets of Mongkok are thick with dust clouds.

Police Firing Tear Gas

The police are using tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.

Riot Police (1)

Anti-riot squads are holding their grounds.

Riot Police (2)

Anti-riot squads are holding their grounds.

Burning Barricades (1)

Protesters have barricaded themselves in the streets with bricks and other objects. Some parts of the barricade have been set on fire.

November, in the Streets of Mongkok.

As night falls, Frontline Protesters and other Hong Kong residents flood the streets of Mongkok.

MTR Under Attack

A MTR station near Mongkok has been vandalized.

Protesters at the Front in Mongkok (1)

Protesters are putting bricks together next to a flaming barricade.


Protesters in Mongkok have built street barricades.

Protesters at the Front in Mongkok (2)

Frontline Protesters are standing behind the barricades.

Protesters at the Front in Mongkok (3)

Frontline protesters walk through the streets of Mongkok.

Street in Ruins

One demonstrator stands in the middle of a Mongkok street, staring forward. As the struggle between demonstrators and police continues, the streets of Mongkok have been devastated. streets of Mongkok have been devastated.

Riot Police (3)

Anti-riot squads are holding their grounds.

Tear Gas Cartridge

Mongkok’s streets are littered with tear gas cartridges.


A protester is keeping an eye out for cops using a telescope.

Barricades (2)

Protesters are building a brick barricade in the middle of a Mongkok street.

Burning Barricades (2)

The barricades are burning.

Silver Haired Group

A group of senior Hong Kong residents known as the Silver Haired Group supports the demonstration. They march in Central, Hong Kong, denouncing police brutality and mourning the death of Chow Tsz-lok.


A frontline protester and a middle-aged Hong Kong protester offer an encouragement to each other.